Interviewed by: Berman Partners, LLC
What was the “aha” moment that led you to create Single Successful CEO?
After registering as a “premiere member” on a paid dating site which charged triple the amount than the average dating site; it became clear to me that despite the dramatic price difference the quality between the affluent site vs. the regular site wasn’t that dissimilar at all. Actually this upper crust site was filled with even more fake profiles, dating games and catfish scams than previously found on blue-collar dating sites. The first evening of registering on this site, I regretted my decision to join and was locked into a contract. The end result was a waste of time, money and effort; the only positive aspect gained from this experience was my desire to launch SingleSuccessfulCEO.com.
What percentage of the feedback that you have received is positive?
Approximately 97% is positive feedback. Even if those not available respond, they typically offer suggestions, additional sites to try and even referrals of fellow singles.
Being entrepreneurial, do you see a business model for you to take national or international with your Marketing Approach to dating?
Yes, Marketing Internationally is a key component in my search due to the fact that I’m bilingual in French and English. The advertisement door is also open to Italian and Spanish but for now my target market is the Francophone and Anglophone communities. Developing a dating platform in both French and English is my ultimate objective in launching Single Successful CEO, hence utilizing my already established personalized profile as the starting base or “sample” profile for other bachelors/bachelorettes to follow suit. This dating platform will be geared specifically for high net worth individuals to meet other upper class singles in a comfortable and most importantly safe online venue. Background checks will be required for all new members securing the authenticity and overall quality of the site. Compared to competing dating sites, background checks are optional (for a price) and are not offered on an International level.
Single Successful CEO: The Audio Book is a companion to your website. Do you find that the website or the audio book allows you to best express yourself? Why?
Yes, both have offered me ample space to share what I’m seeking in a relationship. I have unlimited amount of space for text, photos, videos and even surveys on my current site. I could even password protect my images, if desired. My site has several tabs which provides more than enough space to write about my personal desires, ideal characteristics and first-date suggestions. I’ve even included a garden photo section on the site which allows a potential suitor to have “a window into my world.”
The site being free to access clearly obtains more traffic than the link to my book. On Amazon the audio book sells for $14.99 which might detour some but ultimately I wrote the book to share with one person, Mr. Right. Counting book sales isn’t my priority at this point because I’m not seeking numbers (quantity) but rather seeking one person (quality).
You are in your 20s. How could a woman in her 50s or 60s use social media, websites and marketing tactics to pursue the goal of a partner?
AARP.com offers AARP Dating and has a free 7-day trial for members. There are also other dating sites specifically geared toward baby boomers and seniors. Visiting Amazon is a good idea to search for unbiased books regarding middle-aged online dating. These books can be used a reference guide containing lists of reputable sites for dating.
Any age bracket could potentially launch an independent site similar to mine; however obtaining the responses you desire depends on your overall objective for the site and who is your target market. Is this person looking for someone in her own age category? The answer would determine which online forums would be the best venue to achieve her desired goal.
You are approaching the challenge of finding a partner like a Marketer. What techniques have given you most “leads” for your “sales funnel?”
Thus far, utilizing business sites has actually been more rewarding than personal or dating sites. I’ve obtained several interview opportunities, featured in an online talk show and personally invited to one of the largest dating conventions in America. For example, here is the link to the online talk show which specifically discusses marketing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W_PlQT6NWM.
How do you blend your personal life via Single Successful CEO and your professional life at Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC?
Basically, it’s one in the same. There is not a cut and dried “personal” section or “professional” section of my life because many times lines blur and there are gray areas. For example, I’ve worked with individuals that I’ve also dated or had successful relationships so I’m open to these possibilities if they should arise. So much of life is a “gray area” so why not welcome it. Actually I would love to date or have a relationship with someone who has a similar business mindset and eventually collaborate on our companies or professional and personal aspirations. To me, it only seems natural and quite honestly it is the best of both worlds. I couldn’t see myself with someone who doesn’t support my goals, dreams and overall desires. So finding that balance is comforting to me and what I’m ultimately seeking in a potential partner.
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