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2014 Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC.
Neither the cover image nor any part of the interview may be used
without written permission from the Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis,
Saturday, August 2, 2014
The Writer’s Lens – Author Interview
Friday, August 1, 2014
Webster University, Foreign Language Department
Webster University's Foreign Language Department has Linsey A. Daman's new book "Bridging St. Louis" on display in their International honorary cabinet for all to see. As an Alumni, graduating with a French degree, Linsey's book has been featured because of her philanthropic efforts, lingustical abilities and International endeavors.
Mary O'Donnell, Secretary, Foreign Language Department
Linsey A. Daman, Director, Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC
All Rights Reserved. Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Flashback Friday - St. Louis Book Signing Event
Director, Linsey A. Daman signing copies of her book "Bridging St. Louis" at All on The Same Page Bookstore in St. Louis.
Three of the five vocalists: Balley Holland, Katherine Menke and Bethany Barr.
Linsey A. Daman with clients, customers and friends at the event.
Book Signing in Progress
Wendy Gordon, Vocalist
Accompanied by acoustic jazz guitar to enhance the ambiance
Bethany Barr, Vocalist (left standing)
Lauren Verhel, Vocalist (right sitting)
Mathew Dale, Guitarist (right sitting)
Katherine Menke (Vocalist)
All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2014
Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC
Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Turks & Caicos National Museum Park Bench
The Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis is a proud sponsor of the Turks & Caicos National Museum. The children's toy drive program "Operation Cultural Arts Center" was made possible by partnering with the museum on Grand Turk. Plush toys, beanie babies and teddy bears were hand delivered to several preschools on Grand Turk.
TCI National Museum Assistant Director, Jackie Garbarino
CAC St. Louis Director, Linsey A. Daman
In honor or our cultural center, philanthropy work and professional mission a memorial plaque adorns one of the only two park benches facing the ocean at the entrance way to the National Turks & Caicos Museum. There are plans in progress to return and continue our charitable programming here but for now our plaque remains as a reminder to return to the island.
All Rights Reserved. Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC.
None of these photos may be used without written permission from CAC St. Louis.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Philanthropy Belize, Central America
Offering Peace & Friendship Pins
(Belize & America)
Hattieville Seven Day Adventist School
Belize, Central America
(Belize & America)
Hattieville Seven Day Adventist School
Belize, Central America
Teaching French Language & Cultural Studies
Belize, Central America
Aiding with Education (Mathematics)
Belize, Central America
All Rights Reserved. Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Effortless Savings: Book Review
Organized, Detailed and Well-Structured! “Effortless Savings: A step-by-step guidebook
to saving money without sacrifice” by Richard Syrop is everything the title
says and more. In a clear-cut format,
Richard presents a variety of subjects and ways you can save on these subjects. This is a book that should be kept close by
to use as a reference guide when considering small-to-large purchases and how
to approach different scenarios. He
provides specific examples and highlights the main points in an overview box at
the beginning of each chapter. The
layout and structure of this book makes you feel comfortable and at ease to read-ahead,
change chapters and flip to a subject that pertains to you. There is something for everyone in this book;
for example, the avid traveler will find chapter ten most helpful regarding
airfare, traveler’s tips and suggestions on how to handle overbuying of
souvenirs and novelty items in gift shops.
As Executive Director, Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC I firmly
believe in this book and plan on keeping it on file at our center’s facility to
spread and share the word with others.
Questions? Comments? Feel free
to reach out to the Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis if you would like to
discuss this book review in more detail or if you have a product to be
reviewed; please send us your inquires.
Thank you and we hope to hear from you.
Respectfully, Linsey A. Daman, Executive Director, Cultural Arts Center
of St. Louis, LLC.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Philanthropic Donations - Turks & Caicos
Operation Cultural Arts Center - Toy Drive
Director, Linsey A. Daman from the Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis provided preschool children in need with brand new and gentle used plush toys, beanie babies and teddy bears on Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos. CAC St. Louis has been asked to return and plans on visiting again in the near future with larger quantities of toys to reach more schools, day cares and orphanages.
A very special "Thank You" goes to the Turks & Caicos National Museum for making such an event possible.
A photographer from Grand Turk has covered this toy drive operation and the Grand Turk Event Website has additional information and photos about the children's toy drive. Please see the link below for additional pictures of this event.
All Rights Reserved. Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC
None of these photos may be used without written permission from CAC St. Louis, LLC.
None of these photos may be used without written permission from CAC St. Louis, LLC.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Geneva, Switzerland – Personal Interview
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Love Lore: Coffee & Romance
Wine, chocolate and oysters all have their rightful place in love lore, but can coffee play a part in a successful relationship?
A survey, conducted by Seattle’s Best Coffee, reveals:
• Nearly a third (32%) of coffee drinkers recommend morning coffee with a significant other as the best way to have a healthy relationship.
• The morning treat even beat out buying flowers (9%), going to the nicest restaurant in town (6%), and making grand gestures like buying jewelry (2%) as the top tip to have a healthy, happy relationship.
• This little coffee gesture may even be one of the first signs that love is in the air for new couples. For over a quarter of coffee-drinking Americans, staying for morning after coffee (28%) is the very first sign a relationship is getting serious, more so even than keeping a spare toothbrush at your sweetheart’s place (20%) or updating your relationship status on Facebook (14%).
• Couples that drink coffee together in the morning are more satisfied with their relationship. On average, couples spending 41 minutes of quality time together each morning are happier than those who do not spend any time together in the morning.
• On average, those who are very satisfied in their relationship drink a cup of joe with their significant other four times per week.
• One in three (32%) very satisfied couples drink coffee together every day.
• Nearly one in three (31%) coupled-up coffee-drinkers think their relationship would improve if their significant other brought them coffee in bed.
It seems as though Joe is definitely part of a love triangle!
Friday, March 28, 2014
Model Citizen Book - Linsey A. Daman

Naima Mora, Model, Performer and Recording Artist will be featuring the Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC in her upcoming book "Model Citizen." The story is primarily about Linsey's history prior to founding the cultural arts center. This is her first book of the Model Life Series.
For additional information about the book, please contact our center at
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Seinfeld’s Producer: Listen to your Instincts
Warren Littlefield, former NBC president, speaking about trusting your intuition and perusing your professional ambitions. An amazing clip - very articulate!
Directed / Produced by
Jonathan Fowler & Elizabeth Rodd
Curriculum Vitæ Update
J’ai commencé mon
propre société qui s’appelle le centre culturel d’art de Saint Louis. Je suis une femme
d’affaires, une nouvelliste et une artiste de la scène ; ainsi je suis une
professionnelle expérimenté dans le cadre des arts du spectacle. A propos de l’édition,
j’ai fait onze publications : des livres de poche, des livres audio, du
dessin animé (la bande dessinée), de la musique instrumentale et des bruits de
la nature. Aussi, le centre
culturel aide des pays du tiers-monde et faire la recherche. Je voudrais faire
une collaboration avec une autre société pour augmenter nos réussites.
All Rights Reserved. ©
Copyright 2014. No part of this blog
post may be used without written permission from the Cultural Arts Center of
St. Louis, LLC.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Act like a Lady, Think like a Man
Steve Harvey gives dating advice on The Ellen Show. Please start watching at 7:42 for the best part
when he discusses “playing vs. planning.”
This one expression alone will help you cut to the chase and become a
better dater. I couldn’t agree more.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Woman of Faith, Linsey - Locke
Finally a clip that demonstrates everything I’ve felt for
years. I know that I’m the female
version of John Locke. Symbolically
speaking, I’ve also waited my whole life to be on “the island.” Please watch…
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Latino LA News - Ethnicity & Flamenco Dance
Anyone can dance Flamenco if they desire; but audiences tend to expect a certain type of person performing this Spanish dance.
My name is Linsey Daman, a professional Flamenco dancer who has been dancing for more than 20 years. My Flamenco training was in St. Louis by a fellow flamenco aficionado. I started my own performing arts company called the Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis but have the intention of opening a branch in LA to perform, offer shows and value the true art and passion of this fiery dance known as Flamenco.
Despite my dark hair, brown eyes, thick Spanish accent and authentic dress; I'm still considered by some a "gringa de flamenco." Race or ethnicity shouldn't matter when dancing; however honoring the traditions and respecting the dance itself should be more important in my opinion. Despite my race, after many years of dancing I definitely understand and tener duende while performing. Since I look "Spanishy" enough to pass, most people don't think of my race as an issue but others are still challenged by a caucasian performing this dance. Nevertheless, I always welcome my audience in Spanish and explain linguistically how Olé is used differently for a bull fight vs. the traditional Flamenco dance.
You can reach me at if you have any questions or comments regarding Flamenco. ¡Gracias!
All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2014. This article may not be used without written permission from the Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
A New Year: A New Approach 2014

Interviewed by: Berman Partners, LLC
What was the “aha” moment that led you to create Single Successful CEO?
After registering as a “premiere member” on a paid dating site which charged triple the amount than the average dating site; it became clear to me that despite the dramatic price difference the quality between the affluent site vs. the regular site wasn’t that dissimilar at all. Actually this upper crust site was filled with even more fake profiles, dating games and catfish scams than previously found on blue-collar dating sites. The first evening of registering on this site, I regretted my decision to join and was locked into a contract. The end result was a waste of time, money and effort; the only positive aspect gained from this experience was my desire to launch
What percentage of the feedback that you have received is positive?
Approximately 97% is positive feedback. Even if those not available respond, they typically offer suggestions, additional sites to try and even referrals of fellow singles.
Being entrepreneurial, do you see a business model for you to take national or international with your Marketing Approach to dating?
Yes, Marketing Internationally is a key component in my search due to the fact that I’m bilingual in French and English. The advertisement door is also open to Italian and Spanish but for now my target market is the Francophone and Anglophone communities. Developing a dating platform in both French and English is my ultimate objective in launching Single Successful CEO, hence utilizing my already established personalized profile as the starting base or “sample” profile for other bachelors/bachelorettes to follow suit. This dating platform will be geared specifically for high net worth individuals to meet other upper class singles in a comfortable and most importantly safe online venue. Background checks will be required for all new members securing the authenticity and overall quality of the site. Compared to competing dating sites, background checks are optional (for a price) and are not offered on an International level.
Single Successful CEO: The Audio Book is a companion to your website. Do you find that the website or the audio book allows you to best express yourself? Why?
Yes, both have offered me ample space to share what I’m seeking in a relationship. I have unlimited amount of space for text, photos, videos and even surveys on my current site. I could even password protect my images, if desired. My site has several tabs which provides more than enough space to write about my personal desires, ideal characteristics and first-date suggestions. I’ve even included a garden photo section on the site which allows a potential suitor to have “a window into my world.”
The site being free to access clearly obtains more traffic than the link to my book. On Amazon the audio book sells for $14.99 which might detour some but ultimately I wrote the book to share with one person, Mr. Right. Counting book sales isn’t my priority at this point because I’m not seeking numbers (quantity) but rather seeking one person (quality).
You are in your 20s. How could a woman in her 50s or 60s use social media, websites and marketing tactics to pursue the goal of a partner? offers AARP Dating and has a free 7-day trial for members. There are also other dating sites specifically geared toward baby boomers and seniors. Visiting Amazon is a good idea to search for unbiased books regarding middle-aged online dating. These books can be used a reference guide containing lists of reputable sites for dating.
Any age bracket could potentially launch an independent site similar to mine; however obtaining the responses you desire depends on your overall objective for the site and who is your target market. Is this person looking for someone in her own age category? The answer would determine which online forums would be the best venue to achieve her desired goal.
You are approaching the challenge of finding a partner like a Marketer. What techniques have given you most “leads” for your “sales funnel?”
Thus far, utilizing business sites has actually been more rewarding than personal or dating sites. I’ve obtained several interview opportunities, featured in an online talk show and personally invited to one of the largest dating conventions in America. For example, here is the link to the online talk show which specifically discusses marketing.
How do you blend your personal life via Single Successful CEO and your professional life at Cultural Arts Center of St. Louis, LLC?
Basically, it’s one in the same. There is not a cut and dried “personal” section or “professional” section of my life because many times lines blur and there are gray areas. For example, I’ve worked with individuals that I’ve also dated or had successful relationships so I’m open to these possibilities if they should arise. So much of life is a “gray area” so why not welcome it. Actually I would love to date or have a relationship with someone who has a similar business mindset and eventually collaborate on our companies or professional and personal aspirations. To me, it only seems natural and quite honestly it is the best of both worlds. I couldn’t see myself with someone who doesn’t support my goals, dreams and overall desires. So finding that balance is comforting to me and what I’m ultimately seeking in a potential partner.
All Rights Reserved. ©
Copyright 2014. No part
of this interview may be used without written permission from Linsey A. Daman.
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